FIGO photo competition 2019

We are pleased to announce the 2019 FIGO Photo Competition: Women's health, Women's Wellbeing, an opportunity to share the perspectives of your patients and your professional community with our global network.

FIGO members are on the frontline of women’s health in 132 countries. We are passionate about seeing a world where all women achieve the highest possible standards of care. 

Help us keep women’s health front and centre of the global health agenda, by entering the competition and sharing your work with us. Read more here


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4th European Conference on Preconception Health and Care - September 26th-27th, Copenhagen

At this multidisciplinary conference, international researchers and key persons will introduce and discuss the latest advances and evidence in the field of fertility awareness and preconception health and care. The program includes hot topics such as: ethics and politics of infertility, new technology and interventions for improving fertility, implementation of interventions, and the gender perspectives. Homepage

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Valg til DGCG's bestyrelse

Dansk Gynækologisk Cancer Gruppe har i år valg til bestyrelsen. Følgende pladser i bestyrelsen skal besættes

1 gynækolog fra OUH
1 gynækolog fra RH
1 gynækolog fra Aalborg
1 gynækolog fra Aarhus  

Kort ansøgning med CV fra de udpegede ansøgere sendes til formand Lene Lundvall senest 30. april 2019 

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Invitation til møde om obstetrisk kodning og opfordring til at indsende abstracts

DSOG og Jordemoderforeningen afholder det årlige møde om obstetrisk kodning - forskning og kvalitetssikring torsdag den 21. marts kl 12.30-17.00

Vi opfordrer hermed alle der har lyst til at præsentere et forskningsprojekt baseret på obstetriske register-data til at sende et abstract til eller senest den 1. marts.

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