FIGO guideline om placenta accreta søger deltager

FIGO, Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique, ønsker at lave en international klinisk guideline om accrete placenta. DSOG er i den forbindelse blevet bedt om at indstille en kandidat. Se venligst det originale opslag nedenunder.

Interesserede kan skrive en kort ansøgning med engelsk CV til næstformand Hanne Brix Westergaard ( senest d. 20. august 2016.

The FIGO Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health Committee is undertaking the task of elaborating clinical guidelines on placenta accreta, following the methodology of the recent 2015 FIGO Consensus Guidelines on Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring. It was felt that this increasingly important clinical area required a set of international guidelines to promote quality of care.

A small writing committee will produce the first drafts of the document and we would welcome input of other experts in this area, nominated by FIGO member societies.

 Nominees should have:

1.  A wide knowledge of the scientific literature, and practical experience on the diagnosis and/or management of placenta accreta.

2. Good written and spoken English

3. Available to provide written feedback in less than 15 days

4. Available to participate in teleconferences conducted at 15:00 London time